Find surrogacy treatment in delhi

Till a few years ago it used to be strange to use the word 'surrogacy' in the Indian environment, but today the circumstances have completely changed. Today, the prevalence of surrogacy in India is increasing and the general public is no longer unfamiliar with it. List of Best Surrogacy Doctors in Delhi for Couples who finding difficulty in conceiving child

It is very important to know about this before going into detail about the surrogacy treatment. Actually, surrogacy is a medical system of the modern era, through which the childless couple or due to female infertility can get the happiness of the child.

If a woman is not able to produce children due to any physical or medical reason, then surrogacy technique can be resorted to in such a situation. Under this technique, the couple's own physical combination can be obtained from another woman, called a surrogate mother. The test tube technique is used to carry out this process. Thousands of couples have achieved child-happiness through this technique.

According to an estimate, there are around 20-25 million sterile couples in India, but surrogacy is not much prevalent among Indian couples, yet it is also surprising that today India is emerging as a surrogacy hub in the supposedly surrogacy world. 500 cases are reported, then about 300 of them are from India. List of Surrogacy Doctors in Delhi

Currently, there are more than 3,000 fertility clinic centers in India, which provide surrogacy facilities. Anand city of Gujarat is famous worldwide for providing services related to surrogacy. According to a study by Australian agency Herald Sun, in 2012, only 200 Australian surrogacy cases came to light in India, compared to only 47 in 2009. International Fertility Centre have Success rate high  

At this time, interested couples from developed countries, especially the United States, Britain, Australia, France, etc., turn to India for the convenience of surrogacy. Although commercial surrogacy is not recognized in many countries, it is legal in India and the estimated business of surrogacy is more than $ 400 million. 

It is worth noting here that developed countries are undoubtedly superior to us in terms of technology and surrogacy is available in those countries as well, despite that why the couple of those countries choose India to get a child through surrogacy. Consult Dr. Rita Bakshi

There are many reasons for this. The first reason for this is that today medical science is also progressing in our country and world class facilities related to medicine are available here. The second reason is - here the surrogate mother (woman who rents the womb) is easily found.
Poor or lower-class women are prepared to do this for the purpose of getting financial benefits, although sometimes there is family pressure behind it. According to a study, 18 to 35-year-old women from the poorer sections are willing to become surrogate mothers to get economic benefits in India.

Third reason - Here the rules related to surrogacy are very flexible and the whole medical system costs much less than developed countries. Thus, the surrogacy business is flourishing in India due to the availability of equal level of facility and less expensive procedure.
From the point of view of medical tourism, surrogacy is a good deal for us, but from a practical and social point of view, there are some problems with it. Actually, we have declared surrogacy as legally valid, but in this context Our laws and regulations are very weak, due to which foreign couples keep taking advantage of them every now and then and in most cases they are not followed.

Verbal arbitration is carried out by brokers due to the lack of clearly defined surrogacy in India, in which surrogacy is paid very little. Many times, due to pressure or the woman herself, she repeatedly agrees to become a surrogate mother, which creates a serious situation for her health.

Even after the child is born, her care is often neglected and if the parents of the child refuse to adopt her, then the situation becomes even more bizarre for her. Recently there have been many such cases in which biological parents refused to adopt a child born to a surrogate mother and returned home without taking the child. Apart from this, a shocking thing has also come out that the cases of female-female murder due to surrogacy are also big.

Parents desirous of getting a boy, on finding out the gender of the child, force the surrogate mother to get an abortion of the girl-fetus. Overall, it can be said that the interests of Bali women becoming surrogate mothers are often overlooked.

It is not bad to give surrogacy a form of business, but there should be adequate rules and strict adherence to it, so that human values ​​can be protected otherwise the chaos and opacity prevailing in it will become a threat to us. At present, we do not have any specific institution or legislation to monitor the cases of surrogacy.

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