Things to remember before surrogacy treatment

These days you must have read or heard a lot of news related to surrogacy in Hindi, how many actors are becoming parents through it. By reading all these news, you will have a desire to know about it in detail. It is obvious that you must have fought a lot for this, but if you have not been fully aware of it due to lack of time, then you should read this article. (15 things know about surrogacy

What is surrogacy?

Generally, surrogacy is known as ‘surrogacy’. Apart from this, surrogacy is the medium through which they can get the happiness of couple children who are deprived of it.

It is a system in which a woman raises and gives birth to a child of another couple in her womb, the woman is called a "surrogate mother" and the child born from her womb is called a "surrogate child".
Find surrogacy agencies

What are the reasons for adopting surrogacy?

If you want to get child happiness but cannot achieve it due to any reason, then you can choose surrogacy. You can get it done in the following situations -

 If you are a couple whose female partner has a problem in their uterus, they have had repeated miscarriages or IVF has failed repeatedly.

 If you are single and want your child.

If you are a gay couple

 What is a surrogate mother?
 The surrogacy process depends entirely on the woman who raises the children of the childless couple in her womb and hands them over after giving birth. The woman is called "Surrogate Mother".
The surrogate mother should have the following characteristics-

Must be aged between 21 and 38

That woman should be fully healthy, so that she can cope with all the changes that happen during this period.

 He has children of his own, so that he can do this work better.

According to ICMR guidelines, she should not have become a surrogate mother more than three times in her life as it may cause her some problems.

He should be emotionally and mentally present as he has to give birth to other people after giving birth.

What is a surrogate father?

Surrogate father refers to a person who is not a biological, adoptive or stepfather but who plays the role of the father in the surrogacy process. It may be a woman's relative, uncle, lover, family friend or any man who gives fatherly love to the unborn child, guides and provides financial support.

Get the list of Surrogacy Doctors in India

Click on this surrogate father for more information.

How many types of surrogacy are there?

 The types of surrogacy mainly depend on various elements such as payment, country, method etc. But there are mainly two types of surrogacy -

 Traditional Surrogacy / Traditional Surrogacy -

 This is a common type of surrogacy, in which the egg (egg) of the surrogate mother and the sperm (sperm) of the male who seeks child pleasure are artificially inserted into the uterus of the surrogate mother.

This surrogacy-born child has a direct relationship with a biological father and they are both stronger emotionally and legally.

It is mainly single men, gay, women whose egg is not produced in the uterus, etc.

It does not require egg donation because it uses surrogate mother's egg.

 Gestational Surrogacy / Gestational Surrogacy -

It is a surrogacy in which the sperm (sperm) and the egg (egg), respectively, of the male and female, are mixed in a test tube manner to form the embryo (embro), which is surrogate in an artificial way. It is inserted in the mother's uterus.

The child born with this process is related to her biological parents (biological parents) rather than the surrogate mother.

This is mainly done with the technique of in-fertile fertilization (IVF).

 How is surrogacy done?

The process of surrogacy mainly involves the following sequence -

Step 1: Seeing a doctor: The surrogacy process starts with the visit of the childless doctor. The reason for their childlessness is ascertained there, for which some tests of both men and women are done.

If those tests confirm that there is a deficiency in the woman's uterus, which cannot be cured with any medicine or surgery and because of that the woman can never conceive, then the doctor will advise her to have surrogacy. Give.

 Step 2: Decision making: When doctors recommend surrogacy to a childless couple, they have to decide whether to adopt it or not? If they decide that they have to do it, then they have to get all the information related to it like cost, time, risk etc.

 Step 3: Seeking professional advice: When they decide to get surrogacy, they have to meet with an expert to give them other important information related to it.

Consult Specialist for treatment

1. Dr. Bharati Kamoji

2. Dr. Renu Sharma

For more information, call at :  +91 – 8929020600

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